Dean has been working in CME for over 20 years. He began his career partnering with Tufts University School of Medicine, where he developed numerous CME activities. In 2002 Dean founded DKBmed, a continuing medical education company operated by an experienced team of medical education professionals. Through the company’s longstanding relationships with accredited academic institutions (Johns Hopkins, Baylor, NYU, University of Kentucky, Tufts) Dean and his colleagues partner with the country’s finest expert faculty. DKB’s goal is to provide health care professionals with effective medical education that closes identified practice gaps and helps them deliver optimal patient care. Dean was an early adopter of using case scenarios with recorded and live actors, 3D animation, webcasts, podcasts, e-mail, and smart phone applications for clinicians and patients.
Many of Dean’s programs are designed as part of longitudinal curriculums that use continuous, segmented approaches that can be measured by robust outcome measures demonstrating change in knowledge and practice. Dean has created a number of unique program formats including eleven programs under the very successful Johns Hopkins eLiteratureReview™ brand, The AOTC Cystic Fibrosis series as well as several quality improvement programs in pain, depression and diabetic retinopathy. Dean has also received multiple grants from the Opioid REMS program committee on behalf of the FDA to help stem to tide of the opioid epidemic. Dean has produced programs in Europe and Asia including activities at the European Cystic Fibrosis Society annual congresses and worked with Asian radiologists on a comprehensive educational resource. Dean has published in Pharmaceutical Executive and has presented at several Alliance for Continuing Education in the Health Professions and other industry meetings. In addition to GAME Dean is a member of ACEHP, The National Association of Medical Education Companies and the CME Coalition.